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A children’s book about a group of kids trying to play soccer on an uneven field. A construction worker appears and says they’re going to build a house there. He dumps all the construction materials on the field, even though the kids inform him, he’s in the wrong street.
The kids think, that they might as well use the tools to try and even out the ground - but as they dig they unearth a huge rock… Now they need a new plan…
Written by Lorenz Pauli
Published in german by Atlantis: "Betreten der Baustelle verboten"
Betreten der Baustelle verboten
Text: Lorenz Pauli
Illustration: Raphaël Kolly
32 Seiten | Gebunden | Format 29,8 x 21,2 cm
€ (D) 18,– | sFr 26,90
ISBN: 978 3 7152 0864 0
Lesealter ab 4 Jahren
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